Unemployment is a situation where a person is able and willing to do work but is not getting work at existing wage rate. We can relate unemployment to Philips curve as well.
Types of unemployment
- Disguised unemployment : It is also called as hidden unemployment. The number of workers engaged in a job is much more than the number of people actually employed
- Frictional unemployment : It is also called as temporary unemployment. It exists during the period where workers leave one job and join other
- Seasonal unemployment : Due to season
- Open/ involuntary unemployment : Name defines. Ex: govt jobs (students)
- Structural unemployment : Defects in structure (mismatch between skills)
- Cyclical unemployment : Relate to boom and recession (business cycle)
- Educated unemployment : When economy is unable to provide employment opportunities
Causes of unemployment
- Slow rate of economic growth
- Population explosion
- Underdeveloped agriculture
- Defective education system
- Decline of cottage and small industries
- Faulty planning
- Rural urban migrations
- Lack of capital
- Seasonal variations
- Lack of skill and work experience
- Lack of credit facility
- Limited mobility of labour
- Joint family system
- Agriculture is seasonal occupation
- Increase in criminal activities
- Violence
- Drug addiction
- Terrorism
- Social and moral evils
- Accelerating growth rate of GDP
- Control over population
- Empowerment of small-scale industries
- Self-employment
- Change in education system
- Change in technique of production
- Provision of easy credit
- Internship programs
- Vocational and technical teaching centres
- Encouragement of construction industry
- Employment programmes by government
- Proper technique of production (LIT- labour intensive technique and CIT- capital intensive technique)
Source of unemployment in India
- Report of census of India
- National sample survey organisation (NSSO)
- Directorate general of employment and training (DGET)
Situation where people are unable to find the job according to their skills and experience, hence willing to do any job lower than their level of education and experience. Ex: a PhD working as a salesman.